To address the today’s substantial humanitarian challenges, ICVA strongly believes in the imperative of quality partnerships. Since the early 2000s, ICVA has been working intensively
in strengthening partnerships between NGOs and States, UN Agencies, regional organizations and other stakeholders in the humanitarian settings. In 2007, the Principles of
Partnership (PoP) were introduced as a framework for all actors in the humanitarian space to engage on a more equal, constructive, and transparent setting. Emphasizing on the
importance of Equality, Transparency, Result-oriented approach and Complementarity, the PoP were strongly welcomed by the sector. In 2021, ICVA members reaffirmed during the
General Assembly their commitments to principled and effective humanitarian action, including on PoP.
Concept note_PoP_dicussion_with_national_actors_21_April
21 april 2022- list Participants
Agenda and guiding questions 21st April 2022